Write a Letter

No One Can Make Me Quit, But Me.

If you use tobacco, chances are you’ve had some silent conversations with yourself about quitting. Why not take a minute to write those thoughts down?

Be honest. Speak from your heart. The letter you write to yourself will mean more than anyone else’s words ever could.

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Please select your zip code from the list.*

Your Email Address*

Dear Me*

 I consent to have my letter posted to the “Dear Me Letters” section of trytostopnh.org. I understand my letter may be screened for inappropriate language prior to posting and can be removed at any time without notice. I understand that my letter may encourage others to quit tobacco.

To submit a Dear Me letter via snail mail, send to: NH TPCP/DPHS, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH, 03301. Anyone can contact the NH Tobacco Helpline at anytime for free help quitting tobacco and may qualify for free nicotine replacement therapy patches.

Make a video of yourself reading your Dear Me letter and win a chance to be on TV! Learn more about the Dear ME NH Video Contest.