The U.S. Surgeon General’s 2006 Report concludes that separating smokers from nonsmokers,
cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot eliminate exposure to secondhand
smoke for nonsmokers.
As an owner or manager, there are repairs or changes that may reduce your tenants’
exposure to secondhand smoke. These changes will help to reduce the health risks
associated with secondhand smoke exposure, but will not eliminate the drift of smoke.
Your best option to eliminate smoke is to implement a no smoking policy.
Until you have a no-smoking policy in place, there are some repairs or changes that can
help relieve smoke:
- Fill in openings in floors and walls using tape, foam, or caulk.
- Install pads and seals around electrical outlets and switches.
- Waterproof doors and windows with weathering stripping.
- Install fans and increase outside air, this will help to remove smoke or bring
in fresh air..
- Ask smokers to restrict smoking: for example ask them not to smoke near
openings, windows, or doors.
- Post “No-Smoking” signs in common areas.