Worksite Wellness

Tobacco-Free Workplaces Create Safe & Healthy Working Environments for Employees

Why is a tobacco-free workplace a good idea?

  • It’s safer. There is no safe level of secondhand smoke exposure. Chew or spit tobacco is unsanitary.
  • It’s good for business. Tobacco-free policies save money.
  • It’s the law. RSA 155:64-77 Indoor Smoking Act – New Hampshire’s Smoke-Free Workplace Law.

Tobacco-Free Workplaces Save Money

Each employee who is dependent on cigarettes costs a business approximately $3,400 a year due to healthcare costs, lost work days, and time off for smoke-breaks.

Develop and Implement a Tobacco-Free Policy in Your Workplace

Regardless of the size of a business, take steps to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. By making businesses tobacco-free, a valuable resource is protected – workers’ health.

In NH, 17% of adults smoke, 63% are overweight or obese, and 21.4% do not participate in any leisure time physical activity (2008 BRFSS).

  • Good Works! Kit Click to view the .pdfNH workplaces share success stories around policies that promote disease prevention, healthy eating, and access to physical activity that have been created around the state at
  • Create your own success story. Find out how to implement your own tobacco-free policy with the Good Works! Kit.